Adopt Plant based Lifestyle with diet plans , mentoring & certification
Adopt Plant based Lifestyle with diet plans , mentoring & certification ✔️ Powered by renowned online education provider, eCornell-Cornell University’s online learning platform ✔️ Created by The China Study co-author, T. Colin Campbell, PhD and his staff to help students more fully understand and explain the role of nutrition in human health. ✔️ 6 Weeks | 6-8 hours/week | Instructor Led course In our online, video-based courses, you'll learn from over 25+ leading experts on topics that include: Course Contains 💡 Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s 8 Principles of Food and Health The role nutrition plays in chronic disease, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and autoimmune disorders 💡 The importance of nutrition at each stage of life, beginning with pregnancy through adulthood 💡 Strategies to support sustainable positive lifestyle change and inspire others 💡 The psychological reasons we are drawn to unhealthy foods 💡 How government and industry can affect dieta...